Dernière modification 09.2021 Partie principale sur Gaïa
Justine, 22 ans
Fan de chevaux (bien sûr), de musique, d'animés, et de jeux vidéos en tous genres
J'élève quasi-exclusivement des licornes sans prise de tête
Que ça concerne le jeu ou n'importe quoi d'autre, mes MPs sont ouverts
PS : Cette nouvelle année d'étude venant de me percuter avec la force d'une tornade, mon temps consacré à equideow est drastiquement diminué~
Voilà, la suite est un joyeux bazar
"So come rain on my parade 'cause I wanna feel it
Come shove me over the edge 'cause my head is in overdrive
I'm sorry, but it's too late, and it's not worth saving
So come rain on my parade
I think we're doomed
I think we're doomed
And now there's no way back"
*Love, hope compassion...
*This is what people say monsters SOULs are made of.
*But the absolute nature of "SOUL" is unknown.
*After all, humans have proven their SOULs don't need these things to exist
"Fuck Society"
#Mr Robot
And now I'm obssessed.
“Wherever there is light, one can photograph”
~Alfred Stieglitz
#Link Click

#Kimetsu No Yaiba

#Jujutsu Kaisen
#Mob Psycho 100
"After all, the world is a stage
And the stage is a world of entertainment"
#Hazbin Hotel
"Do you know how you make the color black ?
You mix all colors together.
That's why black stands apart from all other colors.
It's the perfect color.
A color fit for a king."
#B: The Beginning